
Use $item["id"] for 196
Use $item["name"] for Facility energy and sustainability framework
Use $item["image"] for /content/files/images/greentech/cases_facility_2.jpg
Use $item["description"] for

Triathlon supported a global manufacturing company to set a sustainability framework for their facilities. The framework defined what sustainability data to be used for annual reporting and provided a foundation for progressing towards the set sustainability targets.

Triathlon defined the framework content and supported the client in data gathering to enable analysis. Thereafter, Triathlon supported in the process of identifying greenhouse emission hotspots and developed action plans for emission reduction. The assignment resulted in a roadmap for emission reductions supported by needed actions and investments.

Use $item["url"] for /cases-greentech/facility-energy-and-sustainability-framework/


Use $item["id"] for 195
Use $item["name"] for Batteries 2nd life
Use $item["image"] for /content/files/images/greentech/cases_battery_2.jpg
Use $item["description"] for

A client within the electric vehicle value chain wanted to explore the challenges and opportunities of utilizing electric vehicle batteries in stationary energy storage after their life in the vehicle.

Triathlon facilitated the work of defining the second life battery strategy as well as identifying and evaluating potential partners. After partner selection, Triathlon supported the implementation project including definition of technical requirements, infrastructure setup, marketing & communication and overall project delivery.

Use $item["url"] for /cases-greentech/batteries-2nd-life/


Use $item["id"] for 194
Use $item["name"] for Market analysis for a sustainability tool
Use $item["image"] for /content/files/images/greentech/cases_market_2.jpg
Use $item["description"] for

The client was a group of inventors with a concept for combining satellite imagery and AI to provide insights into sustainable development and aid.

Triathlon performed a competitor benchmark followed by an assessment of the commercial potential of the product, including the identification of applications to prioritize in the short vs. long term and related key success factors. The outcome of the analysis enabled the customer to focus their product development efforts and initiate partnership discussion.

Use $item["url"] for /cases-greentech/market-analysis-for-a-sustainability-tool/


Use $item["id"] for 193
Use $item["name"] for Evaluation of fuel cells vs batteries for mobile machinery
Use $item["image"] for /content/files/images/greentech/cases_machinery_3.jpg
Use $item["description"] for

The client was active in the value chain for mobile machinery and wanted to identify what types of mobile machinery that was most suitable for adoption of fuel cell powertrains and battery electric powertrains respectively.

Triathlon delivered an analysis that compared factors such as technological fit, total cost of ownership, available infrastructure and regulations for a number of selected types of mobile machinery.

The result of the analysis allowed the client to prioritize development efforts and create a business and technology roadmap.

Use $item["url"] for /cases-greentech/evaluation-of-fuel-cells-vs-batteries-for-mobile-machinery/


Use $item["id"] for 192
Use $item["name"] for Cleantech product LCA
Use $item["image"] for /content/files/images/greentech/cases_lca.jpg
Use $item["description"] for

A manufacturing company within the cleantech area wanted to be able to communicate their product’s superior sustainability performance compared to competitors.

Triathlon supported the client by conducting a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment and identified environmental hotspots in the product lifecycle as well as recommendations for how to reduce the environmental impact.

The result of the life cycle assessment was then used to create a competitor benchmark in which the client sustainability performance was compared to competing products.

Use $item["url"] for /cases-greentech/cleantech-product-lca/

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