Triathlon Healthtech


Life Science

Pre-study to Assess Life Science Center

A client within the academic sector wanted to establish a center specialized in nucleic acid delivery formulation and characterization. Triathlon assisted in exploring the potential and need, finding relevant actors for future collaborations in projects and providing recommendations for next steps.

Life Science

Assessing Precision Medicine Landscape

In the flourishing life science industry, it is important to understand and assess the dynamic landscape. In close collaboration with the client, Triathlon mapped out the precision medicine landscape within the region to form a basis for future investment opportunities.

Life Science

Setup of Project Management Office

Maintaining strong control and clear visibility over your project portfolio is essential for efficient execution. Triathlon supported a client in the MedTech industry to establish and lead a Project Management Office (PMO), delivering enhanced transparency and successful outcomes in critical projects.

Triathlon Healthtech

Initiation of a Market Intelligence Process

A Medtech actor experienced a need to increase their market knowledge to better shape their strategy. Triathlon assisted with setting up a market intelligence initiative including a first market intelligence report and future way of working related to their strategy.


Product Development Roadmap

Triathlon was asked to support a Medtech actor to prioritize their development initiatives. The client’s request was fulfilled by refining their prioritization framework, prioritizing initiatives, and setting a development roadmap, creating clarity for them of today and the future.

Triathlon Healthtech

AI and Satellite Imagery in Aid

Researchers had developed an AI-powered way to measure sustainable development using satellite imagery to support operations and decision making for the aid sector. Triathlon delivered a market analysis to confirm the solution’s commercial potential and key success factors.

Life Science

Health-tech industry analysis

A client with the mission to attract investors to Swedish Life science needed an overview of the Health Tech arena in a Swedish region. Triathlon identified and analyzed 170+ companies and created a presentation material to be used to promote the segment and companies to international investors. 

Life Science

Investor Pitch for Connected Implant

The ability to clearly convey the value of your innovation to investors is key in the initial stages of a startup. In close collaboration with the client, Triathlon developed an investor pitch outlining an innovative ICT implant and its benefits to patients, thus enabling the next step in the client’s journey.

Novel Medical device for safer sedations

A group of medical and dental researchers had developed a medical device for airway patency during procedural sedation, enabling a safer and more predictable procedure. Triathlon assisted by investigating the market need and requirements, as well as finding relevant actors for future collaborations.


Life science

AI-Powered Platform for Edited Cell Lines

A research team had created an AI-powered search engine for CRISPR-Cas9 edited cell lines with ambition to expand to cell line sharing and delivery. Triathlon assisted by investigating the market need and potential for the platform as well as suggesting suitable business model setup.

Life science

Medtech Market Plan For Scale-up

A medtech scale-up was in the phase of broad commercialization and scale up. Triathlon supported the client to develop a market plan outlining the strategic efforts to enable future growth based upon a thorough analysis of the current state and growth levers.

Life science

Partner Analysis for Innovative Materials

A group of researchers developed a way to synthesize innovative materials that can be used to improve the performance of e.g., energy storage solutions. Triathlon assisted in identifying the industry and academic interest and provided recommendations for further development.

Life Science

Pipeline Portfolio Management

Triathlon supported a global medical device client to develop a framework for product pipeline portfolio management yielding a structured analysis and prioritization of new product ideas and product development programs.

Life Science

Medtech Market Planning

A global medical device company has grown rapidly in recent years and needed a market plan to structure future efforts. Triathlon supported the client in the assessment of the current situation and development of a strategic plan with key components in place

Life Science

Successful MDR implementation

A global medical device manufacturer had to adapt operations to comply with the new EU MDR. Triathlon established an enterprise-wide action plan and effective follow-up structure to drive implementation.

Life Science

Digital health development & launch

A large global medical device company had set a target to rapidly launch a new digital concept to remain competitive and leverage key industry trends. Triathlon supported with managing and coordinating a cross-functional team resulting in a successful launch that doubled initial sales target.

Life Science

U.S. expansion plan

To manage FDA requirements and outline the best way to market, Triathlon supported a Swedish MedTech company entering the U.S. with the development of a new business model for the U.S. market. The project resulted in an FDA approval and several contracts secured with major hospitals and clinics.

Featured Insights

Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2024/25

Triathlon Group's annual Industrial Report shows that the Swedish manufacturing industry faces significant challenges during 2024. However, many companies are optimistic about a recovery and better market conditions in 2025.


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Ensure a Truly Efficient BI Improvement Process

Implementing a BI solution is an accomplishment, concurrently only the beginning. To fully grasp the benefits, BI maintenance and continuous improvements are required. However, an on paper improvement process is insufficient, as a truly efficient process requires organizations to manage the often-forgotten dimensions of ownership, linkage and solution harmonization.

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Life science trends outlook

5 trends to watch

The life sciences sector is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, market dynamics and the need for effective, efficient and patient-centric solutions. The post-pandemic years have been shaped by uncertainty and instability, combined with sharper regulatory requirements raising the barrier to market. As we look ahead, several key trends are poised to shape the industry’s future.

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2024/25

Triathlon Group's industrial report (Verkstadsrapporten) highlights a challenging year for Swedish manufacturing companies, with expected decline in top-line growth, order intake, and workforce. For 2025, the companies show a cautious optimism for market recovery.


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Challenges & Opportunities in AI-based MedTech

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a catalyst for innovation in the   HealthTech domain, with the promise to enable faster, smarter and more effective care to people across the globe.

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Safeguarding Against Escalating Digital Threats

Cybersecurity involves measures aimed at preventing and safeguarding your digital infrastructure from cyberattacks. Ransomware, an attack particularly successful in disclosing confidential data, is a threat to companies of all sizes across all industries.


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Increased Sustainability Requirements Demand Automated Processes

The requirements for Sustainability reporting have increased significantly during recent years, challenging companies’ processes for reporting. Implementing an automated reporting platform can significantly limit dependency on individuals, streamline manual work and reduce the risk of errors.

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Data engineering to unlock the potential of BI

Business intelligence (BI) supports organizations to extract valuable insights from their unstructured and structured data to facilitate strategic decisions. However, unlocking this potential requires complex data to be managed through data engineering, including data ingestion, storage and processing, before it can be transformed into tangible values...

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2023/24

Triathlon Group's annual industry report (Verkstadsrapporten) shows a strong top-line growth during 2022 for Swedish and West Swedish manufacturing companies. Despite growing top-line, West Swedish companies express concerns regarding the possibility of passing on increased cost, which is expected to lead to reduced profitability...

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Is the Semiconductor Crisis Over?

The world has, in recent years, become acutely aware of the elusive group of components referred to as semiconductors. Their pervasive influence touches every facet of the modern business landscape, from automotive giants to consumer electronics titans. However, what was once an unassailable cornerstone of innovation has now become a fragile keystone in the worldwide economy. These components are not only the brains behind our gadgets but are...

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Nucleic Acid Therapies – A Medicinal Revolution

Nucleic acid therapeutics are changing healthcare by offering transformative potential to treat diseases by targeting their genetic blueprints. Instead of treating symptoms, these therapies have the potential to address the disease root cause and potentially cure the previously incurable. Big investments are being made with Sweden emerging as a vibrant hotspot.

Addressing the disease root cause
After decades of intense research, nucleic acid therapeutics have now become increasingly common in clinics, with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines as perhaps the most widely recognized example...

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Emerging Transportation Management Systems

Emerging and disruptive technologies such as AI, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, and Autonomous Vehicles have unlocked untapped potential for Transportation Management Systems (TMS), creating new opportunities to reshape the transport industry. This article elaborates on the enablers and features of next-generation TMS, enhancements compared to traditional TMS, how to succeed in implementing next-generation TMS, and future trends.

Enablers and features of next-generation TMS
TMS are logistics platforms streamlining processes of goods movement by connecting various data flows being analyzed and validated to make strategic and tactical changes. The immense increase of computing power and...

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Democratizing Healthcare by Machine Learning

Machine learning is revolutionizing businesses, through valuable insights, predicted outcomes, and facilitated decision-making. In healthcare, the models efficiently analyze patient data, identify anomalies and offload staff. But besides a reliable algorithm...

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Succeeding in IT and Business Carve-Outs

Executing an IT separation within a business carve-out can be a daunting task for leadership teams. However, by considering the following points, the transformation can be executed with greater efficiency and clarity...

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Co-opetition – Collaborate With Competitors to Get Ahead

Originating from game theory, co-opetition describes how competitors can cooperate to get ahead, or reach a common goal, by working together. Despite its benefits in the prevailing business climate, competitors are – as you might know – often hesitant to collaborate, and as a result, they miss out on favorable opportunities...

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Assessing Environmental Impact With LCA

Organizations meet increased pressure to disclose their environmental impact. A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a standardized methodology that quantifies this impact, providing data for organizations to address the increased demand.

Increased need to quantify environmental impact
Organizations are under increasing pressure to be transparent about their environmental performance. Firstly, the legal reporting requirements are becoming ever stricter, which is illustrated by...

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OKR – An Effective Tool to Drive Goal Achievement

Developed by Intel’s CEO Andy Grove back in the 1970’s, the goal and management method Objectives and Key Results (OKR) has since become the de facto methodology for many tech giants like Google, Amazon and Spotify and is spreading like wildfire across successful startups. The method enables companies achieve their goals by focusing on what is most important – at any given time...

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Supply Chain Resilience in a Market Downturn

The robust growth since the last global recession in 2008/2009 has reached its climax. We are now forced to face a stark new reality as a recession ominously looms in the not-so-distant future. It is hard to deny that the last two years have been challenging from a supply chain perspective, many were caught off-guard and supply chain inefficiencies were mercilessly punished...

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Combining Data Privacy & Machine Learning

The development of computing capabilities during the last decades has enabled organizations to gather and process large amount of data using advanced mac...

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Gain Efficiencies by Product Variant Strategies

When companies extend offerings through product variants, they will face increasing costs and related challenges as the portfolio grows in complexity. Concurrently, variants generate deep customer value and justify higher price points, where mitigation strategies will enable improved lead times and profits gains...

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2022/23

Triathlon Group’s annual Industrial Report (Verkstadsrapporten) shows that the Western Sweden’s manufacturing industry have recovered after the pandemic. However, high inflation, higher interest rates, continued material shortages and increasing energy prices result in that companies are uncertain about the future demand...

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The M&A Year 2021 in Review and 2022 Outlook

M&A activity in Europe surged in 2021 with more capital spent on acquisitions than any of the previous seven years. After a relatively poor 2020, transaction volumes bounced back to pre-pandemic levels and more. Has the M&A market scaled new heights in Europe?  

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A Paradigm Shift Within Digital Services?

Have you ever read the comments field on an article posted on social media? Then you have probably encountered both hatred and the spread of disinformation. Wit...

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Building a Culture of Innovation

Innovation is a key recipe for success, yet most organizations still struggle to generate and execute enough new ideas to the desired level of novelty. There are many aspects critical to innovation, but successful companies seem to share the common denominator of a visionary leadership and culture that facilitates innovation...

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Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence

The long-awaited proposal for an EU Directive on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence has finally been released, following the increasing global momentum towards socially responsible and sustainable business. A topic that in times like these is ever more relevant.

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Navigating the regulatory space for MedTech AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds unprecedented potential to transform how healthcare is delivered and will be vital to enable qualitative and cost-effective care in the future. However, the regulatory landscape for the intersection between healthcare and AI creates new challenges for innovators. Challenges that need to be successfully managed to launch new AI-medtech.

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What is your contribution to Agenda 2030?

United Nations’ 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) show the direction on how to make an impact on the world’s most urgent societal challenges. These goals aim to mobilize efforts and they call for action to organizations around the globe to use innovation and creativity to combat these challenges.

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Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2021/22

Triathlon Group’s annual Industrial Report (Verkstadsrapporten) shows that the Western Sweden’s manufacturing industry was initially hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, but recovery has been rapid and forecasts for the future are positive. However, uncertainties exist on how the cost development of raw materials and transports will progress, which is indicated in this year’s report.

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